Omslagsbild Swan Lake

Swan Lake


söndag 7 december - Kl. 14.30


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International Festival Ballet & Festival Symphoniker Orchestra presenterar Svansjön

Music: Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Choreography: L. Iwanow and M. Petipa
Libretto by W. Begitchev and W. Geltzer
Set Design and Costumes by Vyacheslav Okunev (Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg)

Svansjön är en av de mest populära baletterna och tillhör den internationella standardrepertoaren för den klassiska baletten. Trots allt är denna balett ett lysande verk av en briljant kompositör Tjajkovskij och förblir redan sedan århundraden en offentlig magnet.

A consummate work of art
with live orchestral accompaniment

The choreographer of the original production was Julius Reisinger. The ballet was premiered by the Bolshoi Ballet on 4 March 1877 at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Although it is presented in many different versions, most ballet companies base their staging’s both choreographically and musically on the 1895 revival of Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, first staged for the Imperial Ballet on 15 January 1895, at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.

The popular classical ballet tells the tale of Odette, a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse. While hunting, Prince Siegfried sees an amazing swan. He takes aim to shoot, but the swan turns into a beautiful woman named Odette. She tells the prince that she is a princess who has come under the spell of an evil sorcerer. During the day she must be a swan and swim in a lake of tears. At night she is allowed to be a human again. The spell can only be broken if a prince promises eternal fidelity to her. She tells Prince Siegfried that if he refuses her she must remain a swan forever. Prince Siegfried falls in love with Odette, but an evil sorcerer puts a spell on him, making him accidentally propose to another woman. Princess Odette threatens to kill herself and throws herself into the lake. The Prince feels sorry and jumps into the lake with her. The couple become lovers in the afterlife.
Outstanding soloists and dancers, marvelous set design and costumes combined with a magnificent light design and wonderful music, presets by a wondrous symphony orchestra, it is what the International Festival Ballet and Festival Symphoniker Orchestra offering the ballet lovers in all over the world.

International Festival Ballet
Artistic director Alex Bogutsky

International Festival Ballet was created in 2009 to represent the best traditions and spirit of the classical ballet.

The International Festival Ballet is an international ballet that thinks beyond national borders, unites dancers of 20 different nationalities and represents understanding and coexistence in the poetry of art, music and dance. Since the beginning of the war, the artists have expressed their position against the Russian aggression by numerous protest actions before each of their performances. Therefore, they are now also threatened by Russia. The team, which also includes a large number of Ukrainian dancers, naturally sees itself as a ballet of peace and cohesion between all people.

Artistically, the ballet represents the Russian school of classical ballet in its purest form. Rigorous elegance combined with modern and 21st century influences, that is to say, a high-class dance performance – all this combined with splendid costumes and sumptuous sets.

Classical ballet has a long tradition in Ost Europe, which is still celebrated today and has produced many renowned prima ballerinas, dancers and choreographers. The renowned Russian ballet schools are known for their high standards and rigor, and the students for their drive to perform, their ambition and their enormous talent. The 42 dancers of the International Festival Ballet have also passed through this tough school, be it the Vaganova Academy in St. Petersburg, the Moscow Academy of Choreography, State Academy of Choreography Kiew, the Ufa Ballet School or the Perm Ballet Academy. They have all worked in the main ballet theaters of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova and have won numerous prizes at international ballet festivals and competitions. Together, they have become one of the most aesthetically and technically successful ballet companies not only in Ost Europe, but also in the world as part of the International Festival Ballet. In addition to absolutely precise dance technique, this high-level ballet is distinguished by a harmonious and consistent overall image and elegant lightness. The International Festival Ballet shines with a perfect dance performance which takes the audience’s breath away.

Artistic Director & Conductor Normunds Vaicis

The Festival Symphoniker was founded by talented musicians from Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine and Latvia. The artistic director and principal conductor is a renowned conductor, Maestro Normunds Vaicis. The orchestra’s repertoire includes works by Ravel, Debussy, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Massenet, Faure and Albegis, Gounod and many others. Music from classical ballets such as Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Don Quixote and many others is central to the repertoire. The orchestra has collaborated with renowned ballet ensembles from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. The Festival Orchestra has performed with great success in France, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and other European countries and, despite its relatively small size, has established itself as one of the best ballet orchestras in Europe. In the near future they will perform classical ballet seasons for the renowned International Festival Ballet company in Baltic countries, Czech Republic, Scandinavia, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria.

Längd: 2,5 h inkl. paus
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